[ACLA-CAAL] FW: ANNOUNCEMENT: 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association

Wernicke, Meike meike.wernicke at ubc.ca
Mon Feb 12 19:02:22 UTC 2018

From: AELCO 2018 <aelco18 at gmail.com<mailto:aelco18 at gmail.com>>
Subject: 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association. Theme session proposals: Deadline extension until March 15, 2018.
Dear colleagues,
The conference organizing committee has decided to extent the deadlines for theme session proposals until March 15th, at the request of a number of colleagues.

These are the revised deadlines:

•    March 15th 2018: Deadline for theme session proposals (the deadline in the first call for papers was extended).

•  March 22nd 2018: Notification of provisional acceptance of theme session proposals (the deadline in the first call for papers was extended).

•  April 1st 2018: Deadline for individual theme session papers through EasyChair.

•  June 1st 2018: Notification of acceptance of individual theme session papers.

The proposals must comply with the following requirements:
Thematic session: Organizers will send a proposal for the panel in pdf directly to the conference organizers (aelco18 at gmail.com<mailto:aelco18 at gmail.com>) by 15th March 2018, with the following content and format: Session title, name and affiliation of the theme session convener(s), a description of the theme session of up to 500 words (including examples but excluding images and references), a list of the authors and titles of 6 to 8 individual papers and, if possible, all the abstracts of the individual papers in a suitable order. If the session is provisionally accepted (notification: 22nd March), participants will submit their abstracts individually via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aelco2018) no later than 1st April to be evaluated by the Scientific Committee with the same criteria as those for the general session.
Notification of acceptance of individual theme session papers: June 1st 2018.

This information will be reproduced in the second circular and in the webpage.

Comité Organizador del XI Congreso Aelco / 11th Aelco Conference Organising Committee

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