[ACLA-CAAL] ILCC Journal new issue: June 2022

ILCC Journal ilcc at AAST.edu
Wed Aug 24 19:10:07 UTC 2022

Insights into Language, Culture and Communication
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2022

Table of content

  1.  The Representation of the two American candidates of the U.S. presidential elections 2016 in the world's newspapers: a critical discourse analysis / Donia Nagy Saeed Diab
  3.  Exploring the attitudes of undergraduate college students in Egypt towards English / Marwa Mohamed Hassan Hedia
  5.  Effects of mind mapping on learning ESP vocabulary: a case study / Amr Selim Wannas, Inas Hussein Hassan, Marwa M. Abdel Mohsen
  7.  The effectiveness of communicative language approach in enhancing English speaking skills of EFL adult learners in Egypt / Marwa Mohamed Hassan Hedia
  9.  Power and counterpower in Naguib Mahfouz’s Khufu’s wisdom (1939) and Sons of our alley (1959): a new historicist study / Shaimaa M. Aly Asseyoufy, Rania Samir Youssef


  1.  Social marketing: can we utilize marketing concepts and techniques for the promotion of social objectives? / Samy Abdel Aziz

Read the full text from here: http://apc.aast.edu/ojs/index.php/ILCC/issue/view/35<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fapc.aast.edu%2Fojs%2Findex.php%2FILCC%2Fissue%2Fview%2F35%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0TN6hmEPk7lOBWzh_EyrP40kPEciTxGYLR_KRytF2T-9rXg_JrjJyD1Bs&h=AT0FzvX1f1VZKFedd5q7BEGODhScXyVBlmMPS3b_ejvOZEx50n-b_2liY20TZKJCXM1BNrifHdQgZDscFa49qGd1ls2KMOsGUkeHwhXzZOOY0UZxrZVkYmXJOnQOD4VhkLFN&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1gm4vWgPLWvzp2m9xUtLB9cPLuTOkZckep_Phw9bG0voilIE_OEq0wfs-uc0GxqnFNW-mLDnnKzXfcYFWo1BveFNMJ4wuFj8oKnZxrjv7qYEiNZ8m7AOOTe2fFde1HHoXWGp3IS06X2ZcMMwY2mH7xj46IddBhWJU7vS1SIOwFsJIn_q7KAKC7c1m0H0GlRaY06xmFFAqltjYH0Jac5xgkNvGQ75U>
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ILCC Journal
Insights into Language, Culture and Communication (ILCC)
E-ISSN: 2812-491X
P-ISSN: 2812-4901
Website: http://apc.aast.edu/ojs/index.php/ILCC/index
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilcc.apc
Email: ilcc at aast.edu<mailto:ilcc at aast.edu>
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