Peter Farruggio pfarr at UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU
Wed Jun 23 06:59:27 UTC 1999

In New York City in the 1960s old time waiters (of 1930s vintage) used this
term in joking conversations to mean "get rid of someone" as in "I 86ed him"

Pete Farruggio

>Unless I am mistaken, 86 can be found in the union handbook for
>waitpersons. It means "we are out of it."
>I've actually had a waiter say it to me, possibly not realizing that I
>might not understand him.
> I am having trouble locating an explanation of the phrase "86",
>> meaning something like "to refuse a customer service" or possibly
>> "to eject a customer". Friends have heard it in "MASH"; I believe
>> it may be part of American restaurant-speak where there are
>> various codes used by waiting-persons for different dishes.
>Has anyone ever checked out the date of the Johnny Verbeck song in relation
>to "hot dog?"
>the greatest problem
>since, well, the "hot dog."

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