Writing question

Pafra & Scott Catledge scplc at GS.VERIO.NET
Fri Nov 12 00:24:47 UTC 1999

> I wouldn't be happy if English majors with no training in computers
> tried to create an operating system I would have to use on my computer.
> Why should I be forced to accept the impenetrable muddles written by
> computer geniuses with no knowledge of writing?
> -- mike salovesh                    <salovesh at niu.edu>
> PEACE !!!

You hit the nail on the head; I always prattle on that the best "how-to"
manuals are written by a naive writer with the expert assistance of
someone in the field.  A few months ago I was given a "Standard
Operating Procedure" on position classification to review.  My response
was that the information was accurate; however, I would strongly
recommended that a newly hired "special academic achievement"
trainee review the material, because the SOPs are written for beginners
to learn and full-performance to use for review; experts in the field have
little need of them in their special field.

Being a former computer specialist does not keep me from buying and
using the Dummy series outside my obsolete speciality.
Scott Catledge

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