
Bethany K. Dumas dumasb at UTK.EDU
Sun Apr 16 11:08:01 UTC 2000

On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Barbara Need wrote:
>I just finished reading a Martha Grimes mystery in which she has an
>American from Virginia (at least as far as I can tell) use _feature_, as in
>_I just can't feature that". The only other place I had ever encountered it
>was in the speech of my 90+ year-old cousin in Indiana (north of
>Indianapolis). As far as I can tell, it means 'imagine' or 'figure out' or
>something like that. Can anyone tell me what the range of use of this form
>is? Is it used in Virginia? Or was that application by Grimes like
>Christie's use of _I guess_ in all her Americans? What DOES it mean?

Southeast TX at least since the beginning of this century.


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