Bob Fitzke fitzke at VOYAGER.NET
Mon Apr 24 21:20:39 UTC 2000

RonButters at AOL.COM wrote:>

 Just shows how ridiculous the numerologists' assertions are!

My gripe is with folks who insist on using decade as if it meant only a
10 year perod that begins with a year ending in zero.

And while I'm at it, here are a couple more usages that confound logic.

Announcers who insist that if there is a minute and 37 seconds to go
that , "There's a buck 37 left." Time is based on 60 second minutes,
etc. Money is based on a hundred cents to the dollar. AAARRGGGHHH

Writers (in Scientific American and Natural History, to name two) who
insist that something is a thousand times less than somethinbg else.
Can't happen. It can only be one less; then there's nothing. What ever
happened to fractions?


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