Love Poultry

Grant Barrett gbarrett at AMERICANDIALECT.ORG
Thu Apr 27 00:02:33 UTC 2000

The Stupid Research Tricks site tells this story that might be of some

March 16, 2000
Who: Helen
Where: Da Boondocks

When I worked for a county library system serving a large midwestern
metropolitan area, a gentleman attired in jeans & a plaid workshirt came to the
desk & asked if the library had any books about "poultry" - I referred him
to the shelves in the 600's; a few minutes later he was back a the desk
with a very puzzled look on his face & said, "Ma'am can yew hailp me - ah
cain't find any poltry books"

Puzzled, I took him to our (then) ROM to the subject heading of Poultry &
suggested that he look again & offered to help him located some
information.  He replied, "No, ma'am, thems is all books about chickins & ducks - Ah
wahnted some books abowut luv poltry."   Stupid me - I let my city ways
influence my perceptions of agrarian sensibilities.

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