Instances of unmodified hair-day

Donald M. Lance LanceDM at MISSOURI.EDU
Wed Feb 16 18:17:41 UTC 2000

It's a matter of reference, not ideolect or "correct" bracketing.  We have snow days.  We
have travel days.  When dieting, we have carb days, meat days, potassium & calcium days,
etc.  I have good and bad computer days, and I have stupid-computer days.  And we've
recently had computer-hacker days, which can be shortened to hacker days.


RonButters at AOL.COM wrote:

> ****in reply to:
> ... I don't understand why one analysis or the other has to prevail for each
> and every occasion. ... Why can't the structure go back and forth? Or even
> remain ambiguous at the point of utterance?

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