cows & YoOpers

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Jan 24 14:13:22 UTC 2000

At 8:46 AM -0600 1/24/00, FTA Editor wrote:
>Cow is properly defined as female of the species. It is true that it is
>frequently used by urban greenhorns as a generic term for all cattle,
>however improper it may be...


Man is properly defined as male of the species.  It is true that it is
frequently used by purist troglodytes as a generic term for all humans,
however improper it may be...

(As noted earlier, COW was indeed the generic sex-indefinite for bovine or
head of cattle once upon a time, just as MAN was once only sex-indefinite
for 'person' or 'human'.)

Mea culpa on the "Y(o)uper" issue.  Please retro-adjust all my previous
references to Youpers to read "Yoopers".  That is the received spelling,
and (in the form of Da Yoopers) the name of the local recording group I
mentioned.  (Acknowledgments to two Michiganders and one Michigoose for the


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