ADS Web Site: Move Complete

Grant Barrett gbarrett at MONICKELS.COM
Fri Jun 30 14:31:17 UTC 2000

Just a quick note to say that the ADS web site move has finally been completed.

Bill Kretzschmar's assistant at UGA, Eric Rochester, was of inestimable help--he did
most of the work in arranging the domain name transfer, setting up the new server,
installing the search engine and working with the technical staff there.

If you find anything amiss, please drop me a line personally rather than to the
list, as I am off-list for the duration of my stay in Paris.



Grant Barrett
gbarrett at
AIM: monickels
30 rue de Beaubourg
75003 Paris, FRANCE
Paris phone: 01 42 72 77 62
International: 33 1 42 72 77 62
Fax, Voicemail US: Toll-free 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-340-4218

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