Russian racehorses, Cooter Brown

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Sat Mar 18 16:16:25 UTC 2000

no on the racehorses (russian or otherwise), yes on cooter
brown (from southern speakers, and not for some years now).

a college friend, from louisville (hi, dInIs), used a number of
comparisons with personal names, like cooter brown, in them.  the only
one i recall now is "colder than / as cold as miss mamie johnson's
room" (frequently said of my senior-year dormitory room, which was at
the top of a tower in a 19th-century building and was not at all
effectively heated).

it did occur to me at the time to write a short story in which
all of these folks were gathered together.

arnold (zwicky at

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