Yellow Fever

davemarc davemarc at PANIX.COM
Mon Mar 27 20:08:51 UTC 2000

> From: Kim & Rima McKinzey <rkm at SLIP.NET>
> A friend who's a counselor at a college in Washington - and who is
> Japanese - told me about a statement she'd just heard.  A male was
> being discussed and she was told he had "Yellow fever."  My friend
> initially thought it was meant literally, but apparently it was used
> to describe a man who only liked Asian women.  Is this common?  Is it
> used for women as well?
Several years ago in New York, I first heard it used to describe a man
crazy for women from an Asian background.  I haven't heard the term "used
for women."   The phrase strikes me as well-entrenched slang among an
ethnic community (in this case, Asian Americans), probably used mostly by
those involved in dating.


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