Query: "wigger"

Shannon Detchemendy detch at UMR.EDU
Fri May 12 02:42:03 UTC 2000

I am from a rural Missouri town.  I just recently turned 21 and I
remember having heard the term when I was a child. It is at
least 12 years old.

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 01:11:03PM -0700, Gail Stygall wrote:
> ADSers:
> I am looking for origins and uses of the term "wigger."  One of my
> teenagers says that it was featured on one of the tv news magazines
> recently, but that he has never heard it in his larger, urban racially
> mixed high school.  Apparently the news magazine indicated that it was a
> white-on-white term.  Did anyone see this program or does anyone know of
> the origin?
> Gail Stygall
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Gail Stygall <stygall at u.washington.edu>              (206) 543-2190
> Director, Expository Writing Program
> Associate Professor, English Language and Literature
> English, Box 354330, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195-4330
> ______________________________________________________________________________

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