Chopper Magazine, 1971-1973

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Tue Sep 19 01:30:53 UTC 2000

>February 1971, pg. 64, col. 2--...Japanese ringdings. ...

It seems that a widely objectionable feature of the Japanese motorcycle
circa 1970 was its sound. I think "ringding" (aside from its obvious
affiliation with 'rinky-dink') probably refers to the high-pitched
'mechanical' or 'whining' sound ascribed to the Japanese motorcycles
(especially the ones with two-cycle engines), by comparison with the
preferred masculine sound (with loud exhaust) of the American and British
cycles. I remember hearing the Japanese imports likened to sewing machines,
pencil sharpeners, etc. There is (or was) an epithet 'rice-grinder' which I
find more apt than 'rice-burner' because (to me at least) it connotes a
high-pitched whirring sound. There is (or was) also 'rice rocket', a
variation on 'crotch rocket' (I guess), denoting a very fast 'rice-burner'.

>October 1972, pg. 54, col. 2--...the old banzaimobile. ...

I don't recall ever having heard this one myself.

>December 1972, pg. 18, col. 2--"Cheap Jap junk!" ...

A perennial favorite in all product categories since -- what? 1930? 1920?

>June 1973, pg. 66, col. 1--Thinking of getting something that goes
>"ka-chumfa, ka-chumfa" instead of "putt-putt-putt"? ...


-- Doug Wilson

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