Variety Slanguage in NY Times

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Feb 25 12:43:19 UTC 2001

   VARIETY "slanguage" from takes up almost an entire page in today's NEW YORK TIMES, 25 February 2001, Week-in-Review section.
   This has been on a Variety poster (I have one right here) for about FOUR DECADES.  The stuff was put on the web site YEARS AGO.
   The New York Times fills up the newspaper with garbage like this?  Years ago, I got a form letter rejection that the newspaper had "no space"!
   BTW, the "On Language" column this week discusses "go to guy."  We discussed that on ADS-L THREE YEARS AGO.  The information presented is wrong, but no one cares.

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