June bugs

Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Sun Jun 17 22:52:46 UTC 2001

Kim & Rima McKinzey said:
>>Then there's the whole daffodil/buttercup controversy...
>There is?  To me, daffodils are those tall, multibloom stalky flowers
>and buttercups are short, little, clovery yellow ground cover sorts
>of flowers.

Agreed. All they share is the color (and then if you hold a buttercup up
against a daffodil, there is a subtle difference in shading).

To me, the real controversy has to do with whether the stalky flowers are
daffodils or narcissus.

Alice Faber                                       tel. (203) 865-6163
Haskins Laboratories                              fax  (203) 865-8963
270 Crown St                                   faber at haskins.yale.edu
New Haven, CT 06511                               afaber at wesleyan.edu

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