Question regarding phallic symbols

Mark A. Mandel Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM
Thu Mar 1 19:05:57 UTC 2001

Mark Odegard <markodegard at HOTMAIL.COM> writes:

The question is about the female equivalent of a 'phallic symbol'. The
question is not about the explicit representation of phalluses, and
presumably, not about explict representations of pudenda.

I suggest the opposite of a phallic symbol would be a fertility symbol --
and in anthropological and mythological terms.

If you disagree, answer me this: what is the male equivalent of a fertility

I do disagree, but I think that your counter-question is misdirected. As
may have been said to an engineering professor in the sixties who,
attempting to be gentlemanly, asked the only woman in his class for the
female point of view on a technical issue, "Well, what's the *male* point
of view on optimal load distribution?" The presupposition is invalid.

"phallus" = 'penis'. A phallic symbol is defined by its intended
resemblance to a (usually erect) penis. It is not necessarily a symbol of

Fertility is not per se associated with either sex. Fertility can be and
has been symbolized by a representation of a penis (a phallic symbol), a
vulva (a yonic symbol), a woman with large or many breasts, a couple
copulating, a cornucopia (horn of plenty), and many other symbols.

   Mark A. Mandel : Dragon Systems, a Lernout & Hauspie company
          Mark_Mandel at : Senior Linguist
 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02460, USA :
                     (speaking for myself)

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