
Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Fri Mar 9 19:36:23 UTC 2001

 From the Web:


Denominations of Federal money as determined by an Act of Congress, Aug. 8,

        10 mills make   1 cent marked   c.
        10 cents        1 dime          d.
        10 dimes        1 dollar                $
        10 dollars      1 Eagle         E.

The coins of Federal money are two of gold, four of silver, and two of copper.
The gold coins are an eagle and half-eagle; the silver, a dollar, half-dollar,
double-dime, and dime; the copper, a cent and a half-cent.


The double-dime was not immediately produced; instead the silver
quarter-dollar was introduced. Later there was a 20-cent coin; I don't know
whether it was called "double-dime". A silver half-dime was produced, later
replaced by the nickel. There were 2-cent and 3-cent coins. There were
additional gold coins: dollar, quarter-eagle, double-eagle.

-- Doug Wilson

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