Hamantash vs. Latkes (was Dreidle & Latkes (1916))

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Aug 7 02:24:22 UTC 2002

>On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 09:00:07PM -0400, Mark A Mandel wrote:
>>  On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Laurence Horn wrote:
>>  #>Each year at U of C there are the hamantaschen/latke debates.
>>  Is that C for California or Chicago? The late, much-missed Jim McCawley
>>  ran something of the sort in Chicago, and wrote a hilarious paper on
>>  them.
>Chicago! We're trying to ignore our theoretical training and take
>over the lexicographical world.
>Chicago is always called "U of C". Isn't Cal called "Cal" or
>"Berkeley" or "UCLA" or something?
Um...well...  UC Berkeley is also called UC.  I don't think it's ever
U of C, but I could be wrong.  It's also "Cal", especially within
Berkeley, where it doesn't make much sense to say one goes to
Berkeley.  In athletics, it's California or Cal.  UCLA (the other
flagship campus of the UC system) is always UCLA, which has various
novel bacronyms (or backinitialisms?), all of which are offensive in
one way or another (e.g. "the University of Caucasians Lost among
Asians").  Not to mention what our crosstown rivals from USC called

larry (acting instructor emeritus, UC Berkeley, 1970-71; PhD UCLA, 1972)

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