How we spent our Canadian vacation (was "soda" in Mpls)

Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Mon Aug 12 18:14:35 UTC 2002

Wow! Now I can treat my upcoming (end of the week) vacation in New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia as a Field Trip! I'll have to listen for
the "eh"s and "ou"s. said:
>Eh?  Reports of its death... you know the rest.  After many
>years away from Southern Ontario I've come back to
>Hamilton and have heard it all over the place--I think class
>and age are more decisive factors in its rate of use than
>geography.  Think hardware store or mechanic.  Having
>said that, just a few weekends ago I attended a sort last-
>gasp-as-a-bachelor barbecue and was treated to a whole
>afternoon of ehs, from the banker sons of Korean immigrants
>to retirement-aged Scottish and German immigrants.
>Younger, urban kids do seem to be using it less, though.
>Perhaps it is seen as old-fashioned?
>>  Too bad it's been wiped out in such a large area (east of Sault Ste.
>>  Marie), but at least it's a relief that it survives somewhere.  Maybe
>>  stage a comeback?
>>  Peter Mc.
>>  --On Monday, August 12, 2002 1:04 AM -0500 Tom Kysilko <pds at VISI.COM>
>>  >  However, we did not hear the
>>  > Canadian "eh" until Sault Ste Marie.  That included ferry passengers,
>>  > motel clerks, gas station attendants, waitresses, fellow diners, and
>>  > librarians. But West of there it was ubiquitous.
>>                                 Peter A. McGraw
>>                     Linfield College   *   McMinnville, OR
>>                              pmcgraw at

Alice Faber                                             faber at
Haskins Laboratories                                  tel: (203) 865-6163 x258
New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                     fax (203) 865-8963

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