favorite / favourite

Prof. R. Sussex sussex at UQ.EDU.AU
Fri Aug 30 04:25:58 UTC 2002

Alltheweb.com offers the following (rounded to the nearest K):

most favorite   168K
most favourite  32K

least favorite  211K
least favourite 24K

In other words, Commonwealth spellers prefer "most favourite" over
"least favourite", and N. American spellers prefer "least favorite"
over "most favorite". And the differences aren't statistically
trivial either. Usage here IS regionally different.

Roly Sussex


Roly Sussex
Professor of Applied Language Studies
Department of French, German, Russian, Spanish and Applied Linguistics
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies
The University of Queensland
Queensland 4072

Office: Forgan-Smith Tower 403
Phone:  +61 7 3365 6896
Fax:    +61 7 3365 2798
Email:  sussex at uq.edu.au
Web:    http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/slccs/profiles/sussex.html
School's website:

Language Talkback ABC radio:
Web:    http://www.cltr.uq.edu.au/languagetalkback/


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