"Rackensack" (=Arkansas) query

Gerald Cohen gcohen at UMR.EDU
Sun Feb 3 17:19:28 UTC 2002

   As a few ads-l messages have suggested, "Rackensack" (Arkansas;
dweller in Arkansas) is probably based on the pronunciation of
"Arkansas." Might we deal here with a conflation of "Arkansas" and
"razorback" (= pig having a sharp ridge-like back)?-- RA (of
razorback) + K (of Arkansas) + ENS ;(actually should be ANS; of
Arkansas) + ACK (of razorback).

---Gerald Cohen

At 5:37 PM 2/2/02, GSCole (quoting Making of America website) wrote:
>"A Rackensack is a dweller in Arkansas, of the loafer order; and a Puke
>is a rough of Missouri, or a 'border ruffian.'"

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