ADS t-shirts

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Fri Jan 25 20:19:05 UTC 2002

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to announce that there are still a number of the new ADS
t-shirts, #3 in the "Pioneer Series," this one honoring Lorenzo Dow
Turner. The shirt depicts Turner on the front, holding up two African
masks, and the back shows everything known about eastern US dialects
(lexically, at least, as calculated for us by Don Lance). Naturally,
since this is an academic shirt, it comes with a handout, providing
some information about Turner and bibliographical references for the
studies Lance used to construct his map.

Here's how you can be the proud owner of one of these handsome shirts:

1) Send an e-mail message to Ms. Chunhua Ma at

machunhu at

in which you tell her how many shirts you want and the size(s) - we
have Medium, Large, Extra Large, and Double Extra Large - and provide
the snail mail address where you would like the shirt(s) mailed.

3) Ms. Ma will respond, indicating whether the number and sizes you
asked for are available, and will tell you how much you owe. Prices
are $10 per shirt plus $5.00 shipping and handling. We will calculate
different shipping and handling prices for more than one shirt and
for non-US delivery.

4) Send your check, made out to "American Dialect Society," to Ms. Ma at

Chunhua Ma
Department of Languages and Linguistics
Wells A 740
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027

Please do not send money until you have an e-mail response from Ms.
Ma indicating that we have what you asked for.

All proceeds swell the coffers of ADS.

Act now, or you may be disappointed. I am sorry to have to announce
that no more shirts honoring our first two pioneers (Charles
Grandgent and Louise Pound) are available.
Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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