1881 Vienna menu

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sat Jul 13 20:25:23 UTC 2002

   The Theodor Herzl-Hof is a short walk from where I'm staying.  Herzl invented Zionism; in response to pogroms, he thought that it would be a good idea if Jews had a homeland to call their own.  That was before our current enlightened age--we now know that Zionism is racism.

EURO/EUROS--I was told that it should be EURO DOLLARS.  People I've heard say EURO, not EUROS.

NEWSPAPER BAGS--These things are all over the city.  In NYC, they're the newspaper boxes where you get your VILLAGE VOICE.  Here, they're plastic bags.  You're kindly requested to take just one newspaper, and to leave the proper amount in a metal box.  I don't know if there's a special name for this.

SUMMERSTAGE DRINKS--Pancho's at Summerstage offers:

HORNY TOAD MARGARITA--zitronensaft, lime juice, triple sec, sauza hormitos  8

CAIPIRAIHA--limetten, rohrzucker, lime juice, tequila  6.2

CAIPIRINHA--rohrzucker, limetten, cacheca  6.2

CAIPIROWA--limetten, rohrzucker, vodka  6.2

LEBOWSKY--milch, kaluha, vodka, auf eis  6.2

VERY LONG ISLAND--triple sec vodka, rum, tequila, gin, cola  12


   The HOTEL STEFANIE (owned by that great "Austrian" chain, Best Western) used to be called WHITE ROSE, but changed its name in 1881.  The 2 May 1881 GALA-DINER menu, in French and German, celebrating the marriage of Prince Rudolph of Austria-Hungary and Princess Stephanie of Belgium, is in the window:

Potage a la Reine--Geflugel-Suppe mit Geflugelklosschen

Petites croutes aux mouviettes--Kleine Lerchen-Pastetchen

Truites, sauce hollandaise--Forellen mit hollandischer Sauce

Piece et filet de boeuf--Englischer Braten und Rindslende

Timbale de becasses a la financiere--Schnepfen-Pastete

Escalopes de homard a la Maintenon--Hummer-Scheiben mit Libesapfel


Poulardes a la polonaise. Salade--Gebratene Poularden mit Salat

Asperges en branches--Stangen-SPargel

Pouding a la Chipolata--Chipolata-Pudding

Moscovite aux oranges--Orangen-Gelee

Fromage national et hester--Einheimischer Kase und hester-Kase

Glace aux griottes et fromage de dames--Weischselkirsch-Eis und Eis-Cremetorte


   The HOTEL STEFANIE has these drinks and desserts:

STEFANIE SURPRISE--Blue Curacao, Vodka, Zitrone, Sekt  6.90

PALM BEACH (Alkoholfrei)--Maracuja Sirup, Grapefruitjuice, Orangenjuice,   5.10


EINSPANNER--Grosse Kaffee mit Schlagobers  3.20

IRISH COFFEE--Grosser Kaffee, Irish Wisky, Schlagobers  6.55

MARIA THERESIA--Grosser Kaffee, Grand Marnier, Schlagobers  5.80

FIAKER KAFFEE--Grosser Kaffee, Rum, Schlagobers und Schokolade  5.10

(It's "Irish Coffee" on every menu!  It's the "Hot Dog" of drinks!...Did OED finally add "Maria Theresa"?-ed.)

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