French Slang (1899)(LONG!!)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun May 12 03:59:57 UTC 2002

by Max Maury
Chicago: Laird & Lee

Pg. 13:  There are French sounds for which there is no equivalent in English.
 You know that well rnough.  It is therefore absurd to try to represent them
by means of _English_ sounds.  All the Anglo-French pronouncing guides I know
have attempted it, and have only succeeded in amking people believe that
"restywrong" is the correct pronunciation for _restaurant_, which, of course,
is utterly absurd.

Pg. 79:
   Voltaire says somewhere that the English have a hundred religions and one
sauce, whereas the French have a hundred sauces and--no religion.
   There is a great deal of truth in this remark, especially as to the
sauces, and an American who, for the first time, enters a French _Bouillon_
(another name for a cheap restaurant a la carte) is sure to be bewildered by
the number of dishes that are provided for the "inner man."

Pg. 113:
      _A BIT OF SLANG_
   "Never go to France
      Unless you know the lingo;
    If you do, like me.
      You will repent, by jingo!"
   Yes, you _will_ repent, take Tom Hoo'd word for it.  In France most people
talk French, but in Paris most Parisians talk slang.

Pg. 117:
(Pronunciation and some French sentence context left out but available on
Abattage...I'll blow him up.
Abatis...I'll break every bone in your body.
Abbaye de monte a regret...The guillotine.
Abouler...You will have to shell out, old fellow.
Alboche...A German.(RHHDAS has 1914 for "Boche"--ed.)
Allez vous asseoir...Go along with you.
Allez vous faire fiche...Go and be hanged.
Andouille...He is a chump.
Angliche...An Englishman.
Araignee...He is cracked.  He has got a bee in his bonnet.
Atout...I hit him on the nose.
Bafouiller...To sputter; to talk confusedly.
Baffre...A blow in the face.
(Pg. 118--ed.)
Balle...Log-rolling. (Exchange of compliments or insults.)
Baraque...This house is a wretched place, a miserable shanty.
Barbe...Wattles; slug (large ears).
Bazarder...To pawn or sell one's things.
Bastringue...A noisy dive. ... To kick up a row.
Bassiner...To bore to death.
Bateau...To impose upon one.
Battoirs...Flippers (large hands).
Becot...A kiss.
Becoter...To kiss.
Bedon...Gee, what a paunch!
Beguin...He is mashed on her.
Bernique...Not a bit of it.
Beuglant...A low music-hall.
Beugler...To bellow out.  Also: To weep.
Beurre...He has feathered his nest. ... "He has plenty of butter to put into
his spinach," _i. e._, "He is very well off."
Bidard...A lucky chap.
Billard...To kick the bucket.
Bisquer...To be vexed.
Biture...To be drunk.
Bleu...I can't make head or tail of it. ... To look blue (to be astonished).
... Weak red wine.
Bobine...Mug (mouth).
Boire a la grande tasse...To be drowned.
(Pg. 119--ed.)
Boite...Hold your jaw; shut up. ... Beetle-crushers (large feet).
Botte..It suits me to a t.
Boucan...To kick up a dance of a row.
Bouchan...This restaurant is a nasty, dirty place.
Bouffer...To guzzle (to eat greedily).
Bougre...A regular brick.
Bouillon d'onze heures...A poisoing draught, knockout drops.
Bouis-bouis...A small theater, low music-hall, or restaurant.
Bouffarde...A cutty (a pipe).
Boule de loto...Goggle-eyes. ... To lose one's head.
Bouler...I sent him to the deuce.
Boulotter...To get one's grub.
Bourrer...To stuff one's self.
Braise...Rocks (money).
Brindzingues...To be half seas over.
Brule-gueule...A nose warmer; a short clay pipe of briar pipe.
Buche...To be a regular blockhead.
Bucher...To bone; to grind.  To work hard.
Caboche...Knob (head).
Cabot...A third-rate actor, also: A dirty-looking dog.
Caboulet...A small wine shop.
Canot...Weak coffee.
Cafard...A sneak.
(Pg. 120--ed.)
Cafarder...To sneak.
Caillou...Mug (mouth).
Caler...To be well off.
Camelot...A street-hawker.
Camelotte...Rubbish; trash.
Camoufle...A candle.
Camouflet...Cut direct.
Canard...A lump of sugar dipped in brandy.  Also: A hoax; an unimportant
Canarder...To pepper (to fire at).
Canasson...A gee; screw (horse).
Caner...To be afraid.
Canon...A noggin.
Carotte...To humbug--out of, to pull one's leg.
Carrement...Go for it.
Carreau...Done for.
Casquer...To fork out.
se Cavaler...To skeddaddle.
Chahuter...To kick up a row.
Chalet de necessite...Street lavatory.
Chambard...Same as _Chahuter_.
Chambarder...To smash up.
Charogue...A blackguard.  Also: Bad meat.
Chaud...It will cost him a pretty penny.
Cheri...Darling!  Ducky!
Chic...A good chap.
(Pg. 121--ed.)
Chien...He is close-fisted.
Chiper...To bag, to swipe, to steal.
Choper...To nab.
Chouette...That's real jam!
Claque...Paid applauders in a theater.  Also a box on the ears.
Claquer...To pop off; to hop the twig.
Cloche...To shoot the moon (to move one's furniture by night).
Clou...To put up the spout.  To clap into the dry room (lock up).
Cochon...To play a dirty trick.
Coco...A nasty fellow.
Coffrer...To cage.
Cogne...Peeler; copper (policeman).
Col...To be stuck up.
Colle...A corker; a buster; a whopper (fib).
Coller...He failed in his B. A. Exam.
Comme-ci comme-ca...So so.
Complet...He is dead drunk.
Copain...Pal; chum.
Coup...To have a set to. ... A good pull. ... A lift. ... A no go (without
effect). ...
(Pg. 122--ed.)
Cran...To give the slip.
Craqueur...A bouncer (braggart).
Creme...An awfully nice fellow.
Creper...To have a hair-pulling contest.
Cresson...To be very bald.
Cuite...To be drunk as a lord.
Culot...To have sand, backbone.
Culotte...Same as _Cuite_.
Dada...Fad, craze. (OED has 1920 for "Dada"--ed.)
Dame...Well!  of course! (Nothing profane in the word.)
Danse...I gave him a thorough drubbing.
Danser...To smart for it. ... To make a good market-penny (to get
Debine...To be on one's uppers; hard up.
Debrouillard...He knows his way out.
Deche...Same as _Debine_.
Degommer...To bounce.
Degoter...To fetch down; to oust; to knock-off its perch.
Degourdi...He is a knowing one.
Deguerpir...To pack off.
Depot...Temporary prison.
Dia..(to horses).
Diable...Confound it!  Hang it!
(Pg. 123--ed.)
Dieu...Good God!  Good Heavens!
Eclairer...To show one's shiners (to pay up).
Ecopper...To get a walloping.
Embete...To be awfully cut up, or: To be bored.
s'Empiffrer...To cram; to guzzle.
Epatant...Afully nice!  Stunning!
Epate...To show off.
Epater...To astound.
Ereinte...To be knocked up; done up.
s'Esbigner...To cut; to bolt.
Esbrouffe...To swagger.
Escarpe...A ruffian; a murderer.
Escoffier...To do for; to settle.
Esquinte...Same as _Ereinte_.
Etrenner...To get buffeted.
Fagoter...Elle est mal--ee.  What a guy she looks!
Faiblard..Very poor (of speeches, writings, etc.).
Fard...To blush.
Feuille de chou.--A worthless newspaper.
Ficher..(To toddle off)(make off).
Fichtre...You don't say so!
(Pg. 124--ed.)
Fichu...He is done for.
Figure...A cribbage face (pitted with the smallpox).
Fiole...Head.  See _Ficher_.
Filer...To cut away; to be off.
Flemme...To feel lazy.
Flotte...We were a lot of people.
se Fouiller...Same as _Taper_ (se).
Four...To fail miserably.
Frangin...A brother.
Fripouille...A dirty lot.
Froussard...A coward.
Frousse...Cowardly conduct.
Frusques...Toggery (clothes).
Fumiste...Practical joker.
Fumisterie...Practical joke.
Furibard...Wild (angry).
Fusil...The stomach.
Gaffe...To put one's foot in it.
Gate sauce...A scullion; a bad cook.
Giroflee...A slap in the face.
Gniaf...A bungler.
Gnon...A smack on the gills.
se Gober...To fancy one's self.
Gobeur...A man who will believe anything; gullible.
Godailler...To swill; to booze.
Goddam...An Englishman.  See _Angliche_
Godillot...Military boot (name of maker).  Compare "Guillotine" from
"Guillotin,: name of inventor.
(Pg. 125--ed.)
Gogo...Fool; simpleton.
Gommeux...A dude.
Graisse..To run to fat.
Gratte-papier...Quill-driver (writer).
Grue...Silly girl or woman.
Gueule...Mug; jaw.
Gueuler...To bawl.
Guibolles...Pins (legs).
Houp...Gee up!  Get out!  Move on!
Hue...Pull up! (to horses).
Jacques...To play the fool.
Jaunet...Quid; yellow boy.
Jugeotte...He has not got a grain of sense.
Kif-kif-bourico...It is six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Lac...To be in a hole.
Lacheur..A shabby, cowardly friend.
Lanterner...To humbug; to talk rot.
Lever...To skip; to elope.
Macchabee...A corpse.
Mandibules...To get one's grub.
Mannequin...A mannikin.
se Maquiller...To make up.
Margoulette...Jaw; whistle.
(Pg. 126--ed.)
Maronner,,,To show vexation; to grumble.
Marotte...It is his hobby.
Mastroquet...A small wine shop.
Mauvaise...He found it rather stiff.
Mazagran...Coffee served in a glass.
Meche...It's no go (it is impossible).
Megot...A cigar stump.
Melasse...To be in a fix.  To be hard up.
Melon...Pot hat (a derby hat).
Mince...My eye!
Monome...A procession in Indian file.
Morceau...To peach (to confess).
Moulin...To throw off all sense of propriety.
Muffle...Cad; scamp; blackguard.
Navet...The cemetery where guillotined criminals are buried.
Nettoye...He is done for.
Nom...Great Scott!
Nord...To lose one's head.
Nouvelle...Abbreviation for "Aller a la nouvelle Caledonie," where convicts
are transported.
Nex...To pop one's nose round the corner.
Oeil...To take one's fancy.
(Pg. 127--ed.)
Oeuf..Beastly tight.
Ognon...Turnip (watcfh).
Ombre...To put in the cooler (prison).
Oseille...To deceive.  To play a bad trick.
Os...Tin (money).
Ours...In the dry-room (lock-up).
Paf...Screwed; tight.
se Pagnoter...To go to bed.
Pain...A knock on the mug.
Panier a salade...Black Maria (police-van).
Paquet...Slattern; dowdy.
Patachon...A rowdy life.
Patapouf...A big lout; a short-legged fellow.
Pelle...To fall from a bicycle or horse.
Petard...To kick up the deuce of a row.
Picaillons...Tin; rocks.  Money.
Pie...A swallow-tail.
Pieu...To get into bed.
(Pg. 128--ed.)
Piger...To cop; to nab; to collar.
Pincer...To be mashed on.
Pipe...To kick the bucket.
Pissenlit...To be dead and buried.
Pistache...To get drunk.
Piton...Snorter (nose).
Plamn...To leave in the lurch.
Planter...To leave in the lurch.
Plat du jour...Special dish for the day (generally the best on the bill of
Platre...To beat into a jelly.
Plumer...To fleece.
Plumet...A drop too much.
Pognon...Rocks; tin.  Money.
Poil...TO give a good wigging (scolding).
Poire...At dessert.
Polichinelle...A rowdy life.
Pompette...To be tipsy.
Poivrot...To be drunk.
Poule mouillee...Milksop.
Quart d'oeil...Peeler; copper.
Quibus...Tin; rocks (money).
Quinquets...Peepers (eyes).
Rabiau...To be kept in the regiment after one's time is up.  Also: To make an
extra profit.
(Pg. 129--ed.)
Racaille...Rabble; a bad lot.
Raccourcir...To behead.
Ramasser...To be run in.
Raseur...A bore.
Rechauffe...That's an old tale.
Reluquer...To make eyes at.
Rengainer...To shut up.
Repigner...To nab twice (to catch, to detect).
Rifflard...Large umbrella.
Rigodon...To dance in a humorous way.
Rigolade...Lark; fun.
Rigoler...To have a high time of it.
Rigolo...Jolly; larky.
Ripaton...Crab (feet).
Rond...I have not got a copper.
Roue de derriere...Cart-wheel (5 franc piece).
Rousse...The police.
Rupin...Swell; mighty fine.
Sabot...To sleep like a top.
Sabote...Bungled; botched.
Sac...To have plenty of dough.
Sacre...Equivalent to d--d, when placed before a noun, but not half so
Sainte...The whole blessed day.
Sec...To drink like a trooper.
Sapin...A cab.
Sapristi...By jingo!  Bless your soul! (mild swearing)..
Savate...To play poorly.
(Pg. 130--ed.)
Savon...A blowing up.
Semaine...When two Sundays come together (never).
Singe...To let one whistle for his money.
Suif...Same as _Abattage_; _Savon_.
Surin...A knife (murderer's slang).
Suriner...To stab (ditto).
Tabac...To be ill-treated by the police.
Tanner...To bore.
Tante...Uncle (pawnbroker).
se Taper...You may whistle for it.
Tas...Lots of things.
Timbale...To take the cake; to knock off the persimmons.
Toquante...Ticker (watch).
Tordant...Ripping; splitting.
Torgnole...Knock; thump.
Tournailler...To potter about.
Tripotee...Whacking; drubbing.
Trogne...Drunkard's face.
Trognon...Ducky (darling).  Also: Head.
Troquet...same as _Mastroquet_
Trottin...Milliner's apprentice who "trots" with a bandbox.
Trotter...I sent him to his business.
Tuile...Awkward thing; mishap.
Tuyau...Tip (on races).
Type...A good chap.
(Pg. 131--ed.)
Urfe...It's tip top!
Vache...To rough it.
Vadrouille...A scamp.
Vadrouiller...To mouch about.  To be on the booze.
Vanne...Done up.
Veau...To cry like a baby.
Veinard...A lucky chap.
Velo...Abbreviation of "velocipede."
Ventre...To grow stout.
Verte...A glass of absinth.
Veste..To fail.
Veuve...The guillotine.
Vieille...Well!  old chap!
Violon...Lock-up.  See _Boite_.
Yeux...He does not funk.
Zut...Hang it!  You be blowed!  Stuff!

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