Geoduck (1882)>McLoughlin

Millie Webb millie-webb at CHARTER.NET
Sun Nov 10 23:54:21 UTC 2002

> Well, at least we know (or we've been given to believe we know) where
> this one came from:  the skiier's parents named her partly for Picabo
> (a town in Montana or some such state where they were living at the
> time; these were emeriti hippies, evidently) and partly for
> peek-a-boo, which she loved playing as a toddler.  (Before this
> point, they hadn't gotten around to naming her at all.)  This leaves
> it open how Picabo, the town's name, was/is actually pronounced.  I
> take it not as a homonym of "peek-a-boo", though.
> larry

And the big question?  What kind of flaky "emeriti hippies" don't get around
to naming their child until she is a toddler and well into the "peekaboo"
stage?  :-)  :-)

We live in Madison, Wisconsin, and until we had lived here through a
football season (we moved here in mid December), I had no idea Brett Favre
spelled his name like that.  I had heard most "Farr", and only occasionally
"Farv", with the "v" very "lightly" pronounced.  With my darling husband now
more addicted to televised football than he has ever been before (he never
used to care who did what if Michigan was not playing), I have heard the
"Farv" with the more obvious "v" a bit more often.  At our son's school, on
our first  day in Madison, we found that a K-1 combination classroom had a
guinea pig named "Brett Farr", and I had  never heard of him before, so I
had no idea it was spelled "F-a-v-r-e".  Now, the hockey and baseball
question of  "G-a-g-n-e" I could have commented on long ago....

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