Garrison didoes

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Mon Oct 14 20:12:17 UTC 2002

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Dave Wilton wrote:

#> #>I think I remember Forward but I don't remember where. But
#> it was likely
#> #>a tuckerization of an astronomer/sf author whose first name I don't
#> #>recall offhand (Robert?).

When a real person is included* as a character in an sf story, that is
called tuckerization, after an author who did a lot of it. I most
recently saw the term on**, w.r.t. a character who is
named Jordin Kare and is an astronautical engineer. There is a real
Jordin Kare who is a filker** and an astronautical engineer. (He wears a
T-shirt saying "Yes, as it happens, I *am* a rocket scientist!")
Apparently the author auctioned off the opportunity to appear as a
character, and his wife bought it as a present for him.

*"Included" by name, not necessarily in any other respect. I'm not sure
if it includes things like quasi-naming (a term I just invented for it);
e.g., in Niven & (Pournelle?)'s _Fallen Angels_, a novel in which fandom
is central to the plot, and we see e.g. the armed and anti-government
fannish singer Jennie Trout, whom fannish readers recognize as a calque
of Leslie Fish.

-- Mark A. Mandel, The Filker With No Nickname

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