do not open without your mother's permission

George Thompson george.thompson at NYU.EDU
Thu Oct 31 17:19:17 UTC 2002

My wife teaches in the English Dept. of a high school near Coney Island.  Last week a young female teacher informed her colleagues, including my wife, that she had attended a "Fuckerware" party over the weekend.  My wife, not wanting to expose herself as an old codgerette from an era and a region where they didn't have Fuckerware parties, did not press for details, so I don't know whether the party was to demonstrate and sell erotic clothing or dildos and suchlike or what.  If there is interest, I will ask her to inquire.  But the term is new to me.


George A. Thompson
Author of A Documentary History of "The African Theatre", Northwestern Univ. Pr., 1998.

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