Baseball Dictionary (for 1913)--vol. 3 is completed

Gerald Cohen gcohen at UMR.EDU
Tue Dec 2 18:32:08 UTC 2003

For those who might be interested:
        I have completed the third and last volume of  _Dictionary of
1913 Baseball And Other Lingo_; subtitle: _Primarily from the
Baseball Columns of the San Francisco Bulletin, Feb. - May 1913_.
2003 (published by the author).

        The project began as a search for the origin of the term
"jazz" and expanded as I saw more and more interesting material
before me. Items are presented in context with the exact reference;
sample items are 'spasm' (inning), 'Skoozicks Mageezicks' (Joe Blow),
'to tin-can someone' (fire someone), 'switch the cut' (get a hit by
outfoxing the opposing fielders).

        The work aims to be scholarly. Only 110 copies have been
printed--10 for personal use and 100 for sale. The project in
non-profit--any remaining funds will be donated to a scholarship fund
at the University of Missouri Rolla. Cost of the volumes:
Volume 1: $25 (includes $5 postage/handling fee)--213 pp.
Volume 2: $30 (includes $5 postage/handling fee)--213 pp.
Volume 3: $30 (includes $5 postage/handling fee).---215 pp.

        The post office lost a few of my volume 1 mailings, and so I
now mail the books by Federal Express (my campus gets a discount;
hence the increased cost of vols. 2-3.) Copies of vol. 1 and 2 are
still available.

        Checks should be made payable to the University of
Missouri-Rolla and mailed to me at: Gerald Cohen,  PLA Department,
G-4 H-SS, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla MO 65409. It would be
good if at least some copies would find their way onto the shelves of
libraries so they will be permanently available to the public.

Gerald Cohen
P.S. Anyone thinking of a baseball dictionary as a Xmas gift would
not want the above item. Instead I'd recommend Paul Dickson's _The
New Dickson Baseball Dictionary_ (Harcourt, 1999), which is broader
in scope, has lots of nice pictures, etc.

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