corporate scandal lingo?

Catherine Aman caman at AMLAW.COM
Thu Feb 20 19:40:18 UTC 2003

I'm searching for lingo used in the post-Enron policy debate/media
coverage/general conversation over corporate scandals and corporate

I'm particularly interested in legalisms that have bled into the common
parlance, at least for a short period.

For instance: the (gleeful) use of "perp" for white collar criminals;
the use of "colorable defense" in the context of proposed SEC rules on
attorney conduct; the use of "noisy withdrawal" in same context; the use
of "material violation" (in SOX rule-making and by Iraq weapons

And /or new names: SOX (for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) and "peekaboo" for
the new Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (or PCAOB).

Any others that anyone has noticed? The results will appear in a column
I'm writing for the April issue of Corporate Counsel magazine (a monthly
with 30K circulation among in-house lawyers).

Happy to quote & credit as you wish. Many thanks.

Catherine Aman
Staff reporter
American Lawyer Media
212 313 9205
caman at

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