"slang" and "informal" as dict labels [WAS: shirty?]

James Smith jsmithjamessmith at YAHOO.COM
Fri Feb 21 14:31:52 UTC 2003

--- "James A. Landau" <JJJRLandau at AOL.COM> wrote:
> A note on some team names:
> So the Lakers originally came from Salt Lake City? I
> always assumed that the
> name either was derived from "LA" as the
> abbreviation for Los Angeles (a la
> Philadelphia Phillies) or that the owner of the team
> was Sir Freddy Laker .

The "Lakers" originated in Minnesota, "Land of a
Thousand Lakes."

>...the Jazz (and is the obvious guess
> correct that they originated in
> New Orleans?)
>               - Jim Landau


How about a name trade; "Jazz" to San Franciso (ADS-L
readers should understand), "Warriors" to LA, and
"Lakers" to Utah.

James D. SMITH                 |If history teaches anything
South SLC, UT                  |it is that we will be sued
jsmithjamessmith at yahoo.com     |whether we act quickly and decisively
                               |or slowly and cautiously.

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