Havarti in Britain

Thomas M. Paikeday t.paikeday at SYMPATICO.CA
Thu Feb 27 21:29:15 UTC 2003

No Oxford dictionary (except the Canadian Oxford, 1998) seems to have any
use for "Havarti" cheese, not that I have a comprehensive collection, 20/20
vision, or can tell between cheeses. That includes OED on CD-ROM (1988),
Shorter Oxf. (2002), the Concise (2002), and even the American New Oxf.
Dict. of English (1998), New Oxf. Amer. Dict. (2001). "Havarti" is, of
course, in all the major American desk dictionaries, except the older RHD
and RHWD (mine are 1987 and 1991 resp.).

I wonder if it's in the online version. Do the British like Havarti at all?

Google has 1,110 hits for "Havarti" and six for "Havrati" (possibly like
"aks" for "ask").

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