
Arnold Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Jun 20 00:22:08 UTC 2003

dInIs, to rima:
  Where's the COMP?

 >rima mckinzey:
  Is w[ei]rd, I agree.

  no, no!  is it's weird.  or: is that it's weird.  what's wrong
  with your grammar, rima?

  Is my dyslexic fingers as well also...

where's the COMP, indeed?  actually, where's the subject?

rima, rima, this is not pro-drop.  these sentences are supposed
to be structured and pronounced like ordinary english, except for that
cute assertion-marking COMP thing, so that sentences should have
subjects *as well as* "is (that)".  your sentences, i have to read
with the accent of manuel from Fawlty Towers, or in a slavic spy

is no good english, rima, even for isis-folk.


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