Will that be pop, soda or a soft drink?

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Sat Mar 15 21:50:47 UTC 2003

>... What you say is what you are, reports STEPHEN COLE. If you want
>'icing,' not 'frosting,' on your cake, you're definitely Canadian

Bouchois, as they say in French Canada. Idiotisms, if I may adapt another
French word to my needs. (^_^)

>"Chesterfield" is gone and "tap" may soon disappear.

I'll have to start drinking faucet beer, I guess. But I suppose my
blue-collar alternative to Terrier water will remain the same since it's a
trade name (Tapp water)? (^_^)

>... Americans, he notes, keep female cattle in their living
>room furniture, pronouncing the word "cow-itch," ....

Which American was that?

>In the States, however, he'd be saying ... "past-ah."

He's thinking of ['Cornish'] pasties maybe?

-- Doug Wilson

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