"Mid-Life Crisis"

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Tue Mar 18 16:43:05 UTC 2003

Clearly Dr. Jaques's time frame  criteria have been abandoned by a great
many companies in the recent decade, when the choice of  "corporate chiefs"
seems to have fallen on people whose time frames only encompassed a few
weeks of  stock performance as they jiggered production costs & profit
levels into what appeared to be spectacular ratios just long enough to
collect their bonuses, realize their options, cash out and skedaddle.
A. Murie

              *******  Original Message  *********
>Dr. Jaques investigated what he called the "time frame" of the individual. He
>found that some workers are capable of planning and carrying out tasks that
>take three months to a year; those people, he said, are suited to the role of
>manager. A smaller group, capable of one- to two-year assignments, should
>serve as department leaders. General managers should be able to handle 2- to
>5-year projects and division presidents 5- to 10-year strategies. Corporate
>chiefs should be able to think in terms of 10 to 20 years.

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