Teen slang/hip-hop lingo in the mainstream

Peter A. McGraw pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Mon Mar 31 19:34:09 UTC 2003

I hope this isn't too off-topic--technically it IS about American speech.
Quite apart from the meaning of "bling-bling" or "pling-pling," I'm
struggling with the meaning of the sentence below and its whole context,
namely: what is a spamscanner that critiques spam ads?

I've heard of "filters" that try to keep spam out of one's in-box (or at
least I think I have), but what is a "scanner" that "critiques" them?  I
have a mental picture of a steady stream of e-mail messages offering
reviews of spam ("Gripping!  I couldn't hit the delete button until I'd
read to the end!") I'm hoping there may be others on the list who are as
clueless as I am but afraid to ask.

Peter Mc.

--On Monday, March 31, 2003 2:24 PM -0500 Laurence Horn
<laurence.horn at YALE.EDU> wrote:

>  My colleague at Brown
> reminds me that their spamscanner actually uses "pling-pling" and not
> "bling-bling" to critique the penile enlargement spam ads.

                               Peter A. McGraw
                   Linfield College   *   McMinnville, OR
                            pmcgraw at linfield.edu

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