Speakin' of those burnin' trousers...

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Sep 11 02:58:44 UTC 2003

from today's NYT, Sports D1

Selena Roberts, "Suspend Stars, Unless a Game Is at Stake"
[yes, that's ironic]

On Maurice Clarett, ex-student athlete who helped Ohio State U. win
their national football title last year and who is now suspended:

"But not all stars benefit from college coaching's depth chart for
delinquents, as Ohio State's Maurice Clarett discovered yesterday.
After the police charged him with lying about items stolen from his
car--a misdemeanor offense for fabrication--Coach Jim Tressel
responded as if this were the first Buckeye ever caught with his
pants on fire."

No mention is made of the proximity of telephone wires, of copper or
other construction, or of nasal prolongation.


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