Discovery on "Whole Nine Yards"

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Mon Apr 26 03:19:25 UTC 2004

>However, I have now found what I believe is the second oldest occurrence
>of "whole nine yards" (Elaine Shepard's 1967 Vietnam-related book _Doom
>Pussy_ is the oldest known). yields the following:
>1969 _Playground Daily News_ (Fort Walton Beach, Fla.) 25 Apr. 15
>(advertisement)  This home has the "whole nine yards" in convenience.
>It is of course possible that "whole nine yards" could have disseminated
>from a Vietnam origin to Florida in the three or more years between when
>it was first used in the Vietnam War and 1969.  However, 1969 is early
>enough to suggest that the term may have originated in the United States
>rather than in Indochina.

Note that Fort Walton Beach is immediately adjacent to Eglin AFB.

The evidence available (although inadequate) so far suggests an origin in

-- Doug Wilson

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