Articles (as in the Constitution)

Bruce Hunter bhunter3 at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Dec 7 07:07:29 UTC 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Kammert" <write at SCN.ORG>
> I teach 8th grade, and my students are reading the Constitution.  I have asked them to write their questions > down as they read, and bring those questions back to class the next day.  Today a student asked why the > seven parts of the Constitution are called "articles."  Does anyone have an idea?

According to Black's Law Dictionary, (6th ed.):

Article - A separate and distinct part of an instrument or writing; one of several things presented as connected or forming a whole.

Articles - A connected series of propositions; a system of rules. The subdivisions of a document, book, etc.

Both the above definitions are truncated, but sufficient, I think.

Bruce Hunter

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