Different dialects, same error

Mark A. Mandel mamandel at LDC.UPENN.EDU
Thu Sep 9 02:21:45 UTC 2004

Larry Horn writes:

 Funny.  I remember going through the steps of reasoning when I first
heard it.  It's one of those insidious tunes that I'm afraid will now
turn into an earworm for me for the next 48 hours--thanks a LOT,
Wilson  ;-)    As a New Yorker, I'm definitely in the group that
distinguishes -in- from -en-, unlike you and dInIs, and like your
friend, I was a bit puzzled about Windy as a name.  But that's
definitely what I heard, and unlike what happens when I'm listening
to those who neutralize, I really did hear it as Windy in the song
and not Wendy.  Finally, I decided that that was the point of the
song--everyone knows it's Windy.  Now to deal with that earworm...

Like Larry, I grew up in New York, I've always distinguished /In/ from /En/,
and as far as I can recall I heard the name as "Windy" from the start.
Presumably unlike Larry, I have always had the name "Wendy" very high in my
consciousness, since it's my sister's name. I don't recall having to reason
it out when listening to the song. If I recall correctly, the lyric begins:

        Who's walking down the streets of the city
        Calling a name that's lighter than air?
        [DUM da-dee DUM da DUM de-dum DUM dee]
        Everyone knows it's Windy.

And the release begins:

        And Windy has stormy eyes
        As blue as the summer skies

(Repeat: "as far as I can recall".)

I have had considerable experience with earworms, and I know only two or
three ways to deal with them.

1. Ignore them. This may or may not work.

2. Pick another song to think about, one that you like.

3. Get involved with something entirely different.

I suppose getting drunk may also work, but I have never been fond of doing
that. For me, #2 is the treatment of choice, often involving a song I have
written or am writing (http://filk.cracksandshards.com).

-- Mark A. Mandel
[I talk, Dragon NaturallySpeaking types, I correct. Neither of us is

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