Fwd: Chantek

Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OHIOU.EDU
Wed Sep 15 21:05:04 UTC 2004

Oops--one more film on animal "language"!  Forwarded from a former TA, back
home in Denmark now.

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
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>From: "Rasmus Nielsen" <natureoflanguage at hotmail.com>
>To: flanigan at ohiou.edu
>Subject: Chantek
>Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 14:47:41 -0500
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Sep 2004 19:47:41.0735 (UTC)
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>Just to let you know, I'm currently watching a program on Animal Planet
>called something like "The Amazing Talking Orangutan" involving Chantek
>and Anthropologist Lyn Miles. It's an update on the Chantek story, meaning
>Chantek has gotten older, yada..yada..yada. Lyn Miles still believes that
>Chantek can talk - seven years after the last time they saw each other.
>She throws signs at Chantek, but he doesn't seem to care much - except
>when Miles feeds him frozen yoghurt. I guess some things never change....
>But...it's an update on "Signs of the Apes, Songs of the Whales" at least.
>Perhaps some of the 270 TAs are interested in this.
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