Teen Lingo site

John Fitzpatrick grendel.jjf at VERIZON.NET
Tue Feb 1 16:52:03 UTC 2005

<<I've noticed that the BE/Southern pronunciation of "whip, which used to be spelled "whup," by outsiders, is now more and more often being spelled "whoop," as in, "open a can of whoop-ass." Given that I pronounce "whoop" as "hoop," >>--Wilson Gray

I'm with you there.  What's in those cans is WHUP-ass.  "Whoop" is effete, yuppie, city-slicker talk.  (http://tinyurl.com/6uajh)

Am I alone in altering the pronunciation of "whoop" to achieve alliteration?  "'hooping an' hollerin'" by all means, but I can't  imagine leaving the W out of Mark Twain's Tennessee newspaper, the "Morning Glory and Johnson County War-Whoop" (hysterically funny; a hornbook of baroque vituperation: http://www.readbookonline.net/readOnLine/1562/).

Seán Fitzpatrick

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