Call for papers: a tidbit

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Tue Feb 22 23:02:16 UTC 2005

Don't you mean "Oh child!"?

>>> RonButters at AOL.COM 02/22/05 12:28PM >>>
In a message dated 2/22/05 12:57:13 AM, niall113 at HOTMAIL.COM writes:

> Dear Mary, I am new to this language forum, but I'd like to suggest
> cultural injustice of our tongue and one little known. The Phrase " oh, boy! " is
> seemingly so innocent,but packs thousnads of years of bias and mysogeny behind
> it. It actually comes from the practice of perfering a male child to the
> lesser gender - so called: as in authoress,actress, et al. Do you know that the
> Chinese have a saying," Girls are like maggots in your rice. They will cost
> you money."? Isn't life/language bizarre!!  all the best,  Chamae

Oh, girl!

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