antedatings: "tough luck," "oohs and ahs"

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Tue Jul 5 14:41:03 UTC 2005

>Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM> sez:
> Thanks, Sam.  But nowadays it's more often used sarcastically as an
>interjection than as a simple synonym for "hard luck." (In the '50s even
>that had been mostly supplanted by the sarcastic use of "tough!" all by
> <<<
>Also "tough sh*t", at least in the 60s.
>-- Mark A. Mandel
"Tough shit" had widespread use in the 40s, so much so that the slightly
ameliorated "t.s." also became common.
Does anyone remember the brief career of "hard cheese" that followed its
utterance by Terry Thomas in some British comedy (can't recall its title)?

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