Erin's Wonderful Word--admit

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Wed Jul 13 13:53:42 UTC 2005

>Did anyone else find the use of the verb "admit" in this definition just a
>little bit, well, presuppositional (which is not the same thing as
> Erin's Weird and Wonderful Word of the Day:
> dysteleology
> [dis-tell-ee-AH-luh-djee]
> the study of the organs of plants and animals without admitting that there
>is any purpose to their design. The antonym is teleology, studying things with
>the idea that there is a purpose for everything in nature. Someone who is
>unwilling to admit the existence of design in nature has teleophobia.
Looking again at this, it occurs to me that to fit this definition,*dis*
might be a more appropriate prefix than *dys*.
A. Murie

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