"Ax(e) to grind" redux

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Sun Jul 31 02:05:23 UTC 2005

>>>But, seriously, folks, how does this story relate to the meaning of
>>>have "an ax(e) to grind"? I've always considered this phrase to be
>>>another way of saying "a bone to pick" or "a personal interest in."
>>>Have I simply been mistaken in this belief?
>>I think the idiom must have shifted its sense somewhere along the line,
>>probably under the influence of "a bone to pick".
>>--Ben Zimmer
>That certainly sounds reasonable. Remember when "uptight" was "up
>tight" and also had a positive meaning that was once more widespread
>than the negative one?
Uptight, outta sight.  Yeah, rings a bell...


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