Sir John Straw-jacket, or Strawberry?

paulzjoh paulzjoh at MTNHOME.COM
Mon Jun 6 16:35:03 UTC 2005

 Possible shipping bottles in "straw jackets" to prevent breakage?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel S. Berson" <Berson at ATT.NET>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 8:46 AM
Subject: Sir John Straw-jacket, or Strawberry?

> The expression "Been too free with Sir John Strawberry" is in Franklin's
> "Drinkers Dictionary".
> I have come across the expression as "Been free with Sir John
> Straw-Jacket".  How might this -- or Franklin's version -- have arisen?
> What might "straw-jacket" mean?  (I do not find it Googling, but I do not
> have access to the databases others on this list seem to use.)  Could it
> have been a New England regionalism for "strawberry"?
> Joel

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