ADS-L Digest - 7 Jun 2005 to 8 Jun 2005 (#2005-160)

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Fri Jun 10 01:34:09 UTC 2005

At 4:59 PM -0400 6/9/05, Beverly Flanigan wrote:
>Yes, I noted here a couple of times that I heard it even in my 70-plus aunt
>and uncle in LA and San Diego (transplants from Minnesota, where AFAIK it
>isn't used yet).

I'd be somewhat surprised at that (not that it's present in
California, especially by the many midwestern transplants, but that
it's absent from Minnesota), given that as mentioned I heard it a lot
in Wisconsin from 1977 to 1981.


>At 03:52 PM 6/9/2005, you wrote:
>>Positive anymore is very much on the move, west through the Rockies and
>>on to the coast.
>>beth lee simon, ph.d.
>>associate professor, linguistics and english
>>indiana university purdue university
>>fort wayne, in 46805-1499
>>voice (011) 260 481 6761; fax (011) 260 481 6985
>>email simon at
>>>>>  flanigan at OHIOU.EDU 6/9/2005 2:47 PM >>>
>>At 01:05 PM 6/9/2005, you wrote:
>>>Please remember that, at least for phonology, it won't do to put
>>>Carbondale together with metropolitan St. Louis, where the Northern
>>>Cities Shift is (strangely) present. (See Jill Goodheart's 2004 MSU
>>>Linguistics MA thesis "I'm no Hoosier.")
>>>The NCS is not only not in Carbondale (except among the Chicago area
>>>students), it ain't going there either.
>>>Positive anymore is innovative rather than well established in
>>>strongly South Midland areas. Hanging around Carbondale would not
>>>have provided sufficient input for it to take in my opinion.
>>This is true in southern Ohio too (and in southern Indiana, I'm sure).
>>North Midland (central Ohio in this case) students and faculty have
>>positive 'anymore', but it's just starting to come in in South
>>Midlanders.  On the other hand, 'needs/wants/likes' + past participle
>>more generally Midland, though it appears to have originated in the
>>Midland/Appalachian Scotch-Irish population.
>>Beverly Olson Flanigan
>>Associate Professor of Linguistics
>>Ohio University
>>Athens, OH  45701

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