More on "punk"

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jun 14 19:35:52 UTC 2005

I wouldn't even stroll through campus doing this.  I might be taken for a successful and beloved rap artist.


Wilson Gray <wilson.gray at RCN.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Wilson Gray
Subject: Re: More on "punk"

Hasn't this been common knowledge for decades? Is there anyone here who
would stroll through a prison yard or through the 'hood randomly
calling people "punk" or "bitch"? In the words of Homey the Clown, "I
don't think so."

-Wilson Gray

On Jun 14, 2005, at 11:26 AM, James Smith wrote:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: James Smith
> Subject: More on "punk"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> “Cell Survivor, A former inmate breaks down the myths
> and realities of prison life”
> by John Bowers.
> Salt Lake City Weekly, April 28, 2005
> There are two words every convict immediately learns
> to remove from his vocabulary: “Punk” and “Bitch.”
> However cute or funny they sound rolling off the lips
> of a favorite comic or movie star, calling someone
> your homosexual slave is an instant declaration of war
> and invitation to a fight, your beating or your own
> murder. These two terms are not used in the same way
> as they are in the free world. It can be elementary
> school name-calling on a deadly level.
> (NOTE from J Smith: it wasn't clear in the SL Weekly
> if this was an original piece for SL Weekly or picked
> up from another source.)
> James D. SMITH |If history teaches anything
> South SLC, UT |it is that we will be sued
> jsmithjamessmith at |whether we act quickly and decisively
> |or slowly and cautiously.
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