Bennifer, the sequel

David Bowie db.list at PMPKN.NET
Fri Jun 17 13:34:50 UTC 2005

Automatic digest processor wrote:

I may have simply missed this one being discussed, but along with a
writeup on the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie movie "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", a
photo caption refers to them as "Brangelina".

Gobs and tones of Google hits, including an AdFreak article titled "Are
we really calling them Brangelina?" at that
discusses it as a relatively new phenomenon, mentioning the
non-existence of Humphauren (Humphrey Bogart/Lauren Bacall) and
Richabeth (Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor).

This leads to the question: Was Bennifer the first of these pop culture
show biz first name combinations? I doubt it, but i can't think of any
earlier ones offhand.

David Bowie                               
     Jeanne's Two Laws of Chocolate: If there is no chocolate in the
     house, there is too little; some must be purchased. If there is
     chocolate in the house, there is too much; it must be consumed.

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